Saturday, May 23, 2009

Is it OK to Drive Without Car Insurance?

The simple answer to this question is no. It is not ok to drive without car insurance. There are a number of reasons that this is the case, and we’ll look into those now.

What if there was a wreck?

The first reason you want to make sure you have car insurance is that it is essential to have if you are in a wreck. Whether you think you are a safe driver or not, it only takes one little mistake to cause a wreck. Whether it’s your mistake, or the mistake of the other driver, as soon a police officer is called in to deal with the situation, you are in trouble for not being insured.

Breaking the Law

The simple answer to this question is that not being insured means you are breaking the law every time you get behind the wheel. As with many other crimes, this doesn’t mean too much until you are caught, but at that point the consequences can be quite stark.

If you are very lucky, you may get an officer that will give you a chance to fix your problem and just give you a warning. In this case you will often also be told they want to see that you have proof of insurance in a certain time period.

Most likely, you will get a little more punishment than just a warning for not having your insurance. Most police do not appreciate that you don’t think you need insurance, and will give you a ticket for breaking the law. This can be a costly ticket that you will have to pay, as well as prove you have insurance in the next few days.

If the officer is not in a mood to be patient you could be in even more trouble. Other possible punishments for not having car insurance are having your car taken away and impounded, having your driver’s license taken away until you can prove you are insured or even being arrested.

If you make a habit of driving without a driver’s license you may end up seeing things get worse. Once you have been caught for it a few times, the officer may choose to try to take your license away from 1-3 years. In this case you will have to go to court to try and convince a judge to allow you to continue to drive and explain why you did not have insurance in the past.

Steve Sikes is an MBA and writes articles on insurance and other financial products. To read other educational articles on insurance at the InsuredItAll Learning Center or to get free insurance quotes for auto, home, health, life or long term care insurance, you will want to visit

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