Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ways to Reduce Car Insurance Quotes

Getting car insurance is mandatory in this country and before you sit behind the wheel and turn the key in the ignition you need to have adequate cover otherwise you’ll be breaking the law and will end up costing you a hefty fine and possibly losing your licence to boot.

The trouble many people face is that car insurance prices have skyrocketed in recent years and people are often faced with spending much more on insurance than they may have even paid for the vehicle itself. Younger drivers are affected more than most as they are deemed as a higher risk due to their lack of experience.

So are we doomed to being charged through the nose for insurance? Well yes and no but mostly no, there are a number of different actions you can take to help lower your insurance premiums. Some of these steps are obvious whilst some may not be apparent to you right now.

Obviously age is a big factor, but it needn’t determine your prices if you are older, most insurance companies will offer lower prices to people above a certain age, this varies between companies and could be any age between 24 and 55.

Being insured on other vehicles with the same company is likely to lower your premiums as the risk to any one of those vehicles is lowered because you aren’t using one single vehicle exclusively.

Safety features such as airbags and seat belts are going to bring your car insurance quotes down too as the vehicle is more secure, safe and less likely to result in a serious injury.

Two more strange factors are being a member of a professional body or organisation; some insurers have granted cheaper car insurance quotes by doing so. Another is not using your car for commuting to work, as well as reducing your mileage doing this helps reduce your quote because you are less likely to be driving at peak times and in high levels of traffic. If there’s less traffic then there’s less chance of a collision with another vehicle.

So that was just a short list of different tactics to help achieve cheap car insurance, it is possible but sometimes you are left to just ride it out and with time and experience cheaper quotes should be headed your way.

If you are looking for car insurance or need to find a better deal then check online with many insurers to find the best car insurance quotes for your particular needs. Check with your motor insurance to see if you can make a saving on your car insurance.

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